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Why do so many people in the world love playing dominoes?

The rules of the game of dominoes are very simple. The dominoes are arranged in a single row, or in separate rows. Knock down the first domino, and the rest fall in a chain reaction. The difficulty lies in the code, code put time consuming, in order to get the effect of shock when falling every card code to be extremely careful, a little bit of the previous efforts wasted, B station that video guy code put down for 24 hours but 5 minutes.


Why are so many players addicted to it?


A player on Zhihu said, "Playing each piece of domino is plain and simple, but each piece of domino represents a few seconds of our time. As the number of dominoes increases, the time will accumulate more and more. When the player sees the domino fall, it's not destruction, it's achievement, it's reward for all the hard work."


Two things can be learned from this answer.



First, the power of superposition


Each card represents a few seconds of time, and as the number of dominoes increases, so does the accumulation of time, and the moment of collapse is the reward for your long time of concentration.


In fact, each domino represents one unit of potential energy, and the more dominoes you have, the more energy you accumulate. In 1983, physicist Whitehead published a paper showing that one domino could push over another that was 50 percent bigger than it was. In 2001, another San Francisco physicist reproduced the experiment by adjusting the size of the first domino to be 2 inches tall, the eighth to be 3 feet tall, and if we were to go further back and compare the 18th to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Number 23 is taller than the Eiffel Tower.



Second, the charm of concentration


Auger Mandino, author of The Greatest Wonder of the World, said, "He who does one thing at a time gets ahead of the world." Players only do one thing, according to the idea of the heart to play dominoes one by one, even if there are many, tens of thousands of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dominoes, and when the players do not distractions, carefully, unswerving, ultimately successful.

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