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  • Why do so many people in the world love playing dominoes?

    The rules of the game of dominoes are very simple. The dominoes are arranged in a single row, or in separate rows. Knock down the first domino, and the rest fall in a chain reaction. The difficulty lies in the code, code put time consuming, in order to get the effect of shock when falling every card code to be extremely careful, a little bit of the previous efforts wasted, B station that video guy code put down for 24 hours but 5 minutes.   Why are so many players addicted to it?   A player on Zhihu said, "Playing each piece of domino is plain and simple, but each piece of domino represents a...

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  • What is a domino? Domino toy play layout method

     Dominoes are cuboid dominoes made of wood, bone or plastic. There are hundreds of dominoes of the same size, which are made according to certain rules. Although domino is a small game, a sport, it can be said that it is the crystallization of culture. Domino play pendulum method How do you play dominoes? In fact, it is very simple, as long as the dominoes are arranged in a row at a certain interval, when you push the first one, it will fall, and the others will fall one by one in order, this whole process is also called the "domino effect". If you want to do new tricks or compete in a dom...

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  • 10 simple and fun games to play focus and improve children's attention!

    Focus is also an important part of learning, focus and children's academic performance is closely related. Children who do well in school and learn easily are children who are highly focused. Such children are not necessarily nerds, but you can find their common is: one minute is still crazy fun, the next minute the teacher into the classroom ideas can follow the teacher. 1. Pick game sticks, set dominoes and draw blocks It takes patience and focus to pick sticks, set dominoes, pull blocks, and so on. When playing these games with children, parents can pretend to urge them, or create small...

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